Saturday, March 2, 2013

Week 2 of Jessica Nietfeld's Blog

          Interning this week as an Internship Development Intern, has been both exciting and rewarding.  My week consisted of student appointments, updating blogs and various other tasks that needed to be done.

       My internship appointments were a success this week!  I am always surprised by the amount of students who are not only prepared, but most importantly, students who are ambitious to find an internship that is right for them.  Most students who come in don't know what to expect at first, but once they leave they are always glad they came in; to better utilize their internship search resources.  Knowing that I can help these eager students with a very important aspect in their lives is self-rewarding.

      Another thing that I enjoy about internship duties is that there are always new opportunities and experiences arising.  This week I was able to help the Student Employment Services call various businesses and organizations to invite them to take part in gift sponsoring for a student job fair. Event planning seems to be stressful, and a lot of work goes into it, but somehow I always find it interesting and fun.  

       Taking down flyers and promotions after event dates is a tedious task, but it's something that needed to be done to de-clutter, and also, to respect the space of other organizations who might distribute materials in the same area. I try and do this every time an event or promotion expires on a poster, table tent, or flier, especially to avoid the organizations materials to be found on the ground.  Yes, with internships, tasks can be tedious.  Even the most simple duties are often times the most helpful ways I can lend a hand.  Since I am always willing and able to do any task, I feel that this shows great respect towards my supervisor and represents my dedication towards the organization.

          I am excited to take part in even more tasks especially with the job fair arriving right around the corner.

 Check back, and I will keep you posted through the life and times of an intern!

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